When scholars extend their models and hypotheses to encompass additional cases, they commonly need to adapt their analytic categories to fit the new contexts. The main problem for the latter is the inability to distinguish between conceptual transfer and conceptual stretching. What is a juridical statehood and an empirical.
Statistics: Measurement Error, Conceptual? To avoid conceptual stretching.
Extension - breadth of the application of concepts, dependent on the definition (number of cases, contexts crossed). Intension - attributes which define a concept (high intension - large number of attributes, less well define more relaxed). Western categories of the diffuse polities of the Third World.
These considerations notwithstand-ing, conceptual stretching does represent, in comparative politics, the line of least resistance. And the net result of conceptual straining is that our gains in extensional coverage tend to be matched by losses in connotative precision. These unintended consequences are intimately associated with errors of conceptual stretching , that is, using valuable concepts with clear meaning to refer to inapplicable phenomena, thus misusing and diminishing the value of our conceptual tools.
In policy science, this is also the case with central analytic tools, frameworks, models, and theories. For instance, designating a particular form of rule as dom-ination would avoid the conceptual stretching that could arise from inappropriately calling it a system of authority (i.e., legitimate domination).
La Scienza Politica di Giovanni Sartori. The chapters of this book are celebration notes by Italian scholars (Domenico Fisichella, Angelo Panebianco) that have had some kind of collaboration with Sartori. This is an old debate, and it might appear that this problem of categorization has been superseded by new analytic and statistical approaches. The popular adoption of this strategy is ba.
This article challenges the use of diminished subtypes as a strategy for avoiding conceptual stretching in the conceptual construction of hybrid regimes. However, the analytic goals of conceptual differentiation and avoiding conceptual stretching appear to be central to understanding the proliferation of conceptual forms observed here. Specifically, they seek to avoid the problem of conceptual stretching that arises when the concept of democracy is applied to cases for which, by relevant scholarly standards, it is not appropriate. Jumpstart your students’ minds with daily warm-ups that get them thinking mathematically and ready for instruction. Daily Math Stretches offers practice in algebraic thinking, geometry, measurement, and data for grades 6-to provide an early foundation for mastering mathematical learning.
On the other han they are concerned with conceptual validity. New public management: global reform script or conceptual stretching ? Analysis of university governance structures in the Napoleonic administrative tradition. Business photo text Quality of bending modified easily without breaking Stretching. As such, whilst a concise definition may permit a large range of acts to be classified as terrorism, it can lead to the term losing relevance and significance. Based in research on comparative analysis of democracy, another normatively preferable but multifaceted concept, I argue for a taxonomy of concepts for the study of academic integrity that reduces problems of “ conceptual stretching ” and challenges to the validity of empirical research in this field.
Keywords Academic integrity. How to use conceptual in a sentence.
Accordingly, I examine the risk of ‘ concept stretching ’, discuss extension and intension of Europeanization , and propose a taxonomy to ‘unpack’ the concept and organize empirical research. Giovanni Sartori, a scholar of comparative politics, has written about what he calls “ conceptual stretching ” — casually applying a concept to new cases and expanding its meaning beyond a. Conceptual definition is - of, relating to, or consisting of concepts. Our focus is a close examination of the conceptual disjunction that exists between a range of popular, political and academic attempts to define and negotiate memory, place, identity and cultural expression. To do so, the paper places emphasis on those expressions of community that have been taken up within dominant political and academic practice. It exemplifies what Giovanni Sartori once called “ conceptual stretching ”: “The wider the world under investigation, the more we need conceptual tools that are able to travel.
But what actually constitutes a “free and fair” election? Does the phrase mean only that the election was “acceptable,” or does it imply something more? The strategy may thereby also avoid conceptual stretching because it does not apply the label democracy to cases that, in light of this new criterion, the analyst sees.
The concept of clientelism has lost descriptive power. It has become indistinguishable from neighboring concepts and is applied across analytical levels. Higher education (HE) reforms are usually inspired by New Public Management (NPM) global reform scripts. Stretching clientelism Reciprocal, exchange-based relationships have existed in traditional and modern sociopolitical settings.
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