Friday, 27 April 2018

Astrology bullshit

While astrologers and believers may accuse science of being quite dogmatic over the astrology is bullshit line, rest assured it has been tested. If astrology was anywhere near as potent a tool as believers and astrologers suggest, from even small-scale tests should end positively. Unsubscribe from Elephant Journal? Mercury is in retrograde or what that even means.

I find it troubling that so many of my friends read their horoscope on a daily basis and actually believe this bullshit.

I’ll point out that I personally called astrology bullshit and what I said is men barking about it being bullshit every time it’s brought up is gross and you simplified what I said to try to dismiss it. Anyone can point out that it’s all lies. I don’t think most people are doing anything wrong in this thread.

A remnant of the ignorant dark ages, when people knew nothing about how the world works. They believed the earth is flat and the center of the universe. Back then people believed that.

There is no reason big rocks floating in space have an impact on your psyche down there. Ready for some Earth-shattering news?

Often followed and practiced by idiots who have no understanding of physics and how the other planets do not change the outcome of events. The next time someone tells you about how amazing is Jyotisha, ask if he worships the planets and do remedies to ease the negative effects. If he says yes, then take what he says of astrology with a pinch of salt. Collage by Danielle Moalem Keely Weiss.

Are you surrounded by people who make big life decisions based on what their horoscope tells them to do? Directed by Star Price, Tim Rogan, David Wechter. With Penn Jillette, Teller, Tamara Cox, Holly. After six seasons of Bullshit ! Penn and Teller finally get around to trashing astrology.

Because for astrology (which is what I assume you are talking about, since this is an astrology thread), not only is there no reason to suppose it works, but there is plenty of evidence that astrology doesn’t work and that astrology is just made up bullshit. I would like to tell a story about my time in school, when I was asked to make a list about common superstitions in the society and the reasons behind it. Any woman that have a problem with me saying this is ugly both physically and mentally!

Any man that asks another man for their sign out of nowhere is a fag. You’ve got the energetic support, now go make it happen for yourself. Sure, it was fun reading the newspaper horoscope or finding my birth year on the place mat of the Chinese restaurant.

On social media, astrologers and astrology meme machines amass tens or hundreds of thousands of followers.

Astrology is much more myth than. Goo now read this anyways. You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party applications. Why, why, why are you so misinformed?

An image tagged astrology ,horoscope, bullshit. WELL HEY, WE SHARE THE SAME BIRTHDAY! RE: Do you think astrology is bullshit ? No one has shown that astrology can be used to predict the future or describe what people are like based on their birth dates,” some exasperated person at NASA wrote in a Tumblr post debunking a rumor that NASA had changed the zodiac signs. I share that NASA communicator’s irritation.

Years a Slave: Restaurant Owner Gets Bullshit. For another, astrology promotes the worst thing in the world: uncritical thinking.

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