Friday, 11 January 2019

Folder with question mark mac

Turn off your Mac by pressing and holding the power button for a few seconds. Press the power button once to turn your Mac back on. Immediately press and hold the Command and R keys on your keyboard to start your Mac from macOS Recovery. While the question mark is flashing, your Mac is checking all available disks for an operating system it can use.

If it finds one, your Mac will finish booting. From the information in your question , it sounds like your Mac does eventually find a disk it can use as the startup drive and finishes the boot process. There are few things that strike as much fear into the hearts of Mac users as the dreaded flashing folder with question mark in the middle of the screen on startup. When I connect it internally to the macbook, and power on the computer, grey file folder with question mark.

Trouble shooting that issue online, a common theme was replace the hard drive cable. I replaced the hard drive cable. You guessed it, grey file folder with question mark.

Folder with question mark mac

The folder with the question mark has come up, and I have tried to put it in Recovery mode, Target Mode, and even had my hard drive attach to see if it could recognize the external hard drive. If you boot from an external disk. This is the OSX recovery screen, necessary for trouble shooting the question mark mystery folder. When you first power on the computer, but after you hear that happy chime soun press and hold Command and the R-key.

Keep holding both until you see either a world globe or the Apple logo. The article elaborated various methods to repair flashing question mark folder screen on Mac. The first case occurs when your Mac shows a flashing folder with a question mark for a few seconds. In this case, you reselect the Startup Disk from system preferences.

Folder with question mark mac

A flashing folder with a question mark , at startup time, means that the machine cannot find a valid boot volume. But, no, I never pointed my Mac to my clone. And when I got the flashing folder and question mark , that happened before I got the firmware login screen.

I have been Option-booting a lot the last week as I have been setting up CCC and cloning my Mac and then testing my clone. Here is a guide on how to troubleshoot when your Mac computer starts up with a flashing folder and question mark. The first instinct is to close the computer, believe that everything is lost and. Blank screen with flashing question mark. Folder with blinking question mark I hope this will help.

I had a problem of the same nature and not much help was to be had so I started to read the forums on this problem and found the answer to repairing my Mac. The flashing folder with a question mark means that the Mac cannot fight a bootable disk. Likely this means that your hard drive or SSD has completely failed. It could also be the SATA cable (if it has one) or the connection port (highly unlikely).

Issue: How to fix flashing folder question mark issue on Mac OS? Rebooting the device and reinstalling hard drives did not help. Any ideas how to solve this? This document explains how to troubleshoot a blinking question mark when booting up the Mac OS. You turn on your Macintosh computer and it boots to a screen showing a single folder with a blinking question mark.

Folder with question mark mac

Every now and then a question mark may appear in OS X, indicating that the system is confused about something and resulting in the user feeling. When I turn on my newly one-yr old laptop, a blinking folder shows up with a question mark in it, and it does not boot. The little power on light even goes off after a second.

Computer was working fine until two power ups ago it took a while to come online. Then we got a spinning wheel of death. I did a hard restart and got the blinking question mark folder.

I tried the command R and the command option r. And How to fix on any Apple Mac ! Hi, if you are facing a question mark folder like this on your Mac , then you came to the right place: So just a little background on this… apple uses UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) to connect the internal parts of the Mac with the Operating System. Question Mark Folder Fix in Detail – Why?

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