Step 2: Take your right foot off the ground and cross it over to your left side as far as you can. Step 3: Bring your foot back down and then do the same thing with your left. Exercise Instructions Step 1. Start face down on the mat with your arms stretched out to your sides.
Lift one leg off of the floor, cross it over your body and touch the floor on the other side.
Place your hands at your sides for balance. Scorpion Stretch Lie face down on a mat or soft surface. Keeping your shoulders touching the groun raise the left foot straight up into the air.
Bend at the knee and bring your left foot over to your right side. Tap the ground with your toes. The scorpion stretch not only stretches out your hips but also helps your chest, shoulders, and biceps.
The scorpion is a comprehensive exercise designed to improve spee power and flexibility.
Runners and sprinters will appreciate the way it tones the muscles of your legs, hips, back and abdominals, improving overall endurance. Perform the scorpion at least three to four times a week. Reverse the movement Targets: Lower-back muscles plue abdominals hamstrings and glutes. Lay on your stomach with your arms straight out to your sides and your feet together. Lift your left leg up off the floor.
Keep the leg straight as you continue lifting it up. Grip the outside of one of your feet with the hand on the same side. Push your leg up behind you. Grip your foot with your other hand. The pose strengthens the torso, back, arms, and shoulders.
It invites a nice stretch for the chest, spine, hip flexors, and shoulders. The exercise also improves coordination and flexibility throughout the body. I used my bed but you can use a couch or chair!
Try to keep your arms and chest on the floor. Stretching is a type of physical exercise, that involves the skeletal muscles. For today, we will give you a nice stretching exercise called “The scorpion exercise”, but before that, let’s briefly go over stretching.
You’ll extend your shoulders, spine and hips, which is the perfect. Today, if you do not want to disappoint, Check price before the Price Up. Lie flat on your stomach with your arms stretched out to your sides.
Extend your legs and keep your feet together. Rotate your pelvis and bend one knee, bringing the heel of your foot toward the opposite hand. Pause briefly and then return your foot to the starting position.
Repeat on the opposite side. Squeezing your right glute, bend your right knee and lift your right leg as high as you can. Learn how to perform scorpion stretch correctly with a clear illustration and detailed written instructions from the WorkoutLabs exercise guide.
Twist your hips, reaching your right foot over to touch the ground on the outside of your left leg. This is a great dynamic warm-up exercises for opening those tight glutes, hamstrings, and IT bands. How to do it: Lying on your back with your arms outstretched in a “T” formation, bring your right leg across your body so that our toes meet your left hand.
Return to start and repeat with left leg.
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