Friday 15 May 2015

Fiction submissions

Fiction and nonfiction submissions should be no more than double-spaced pages. Deadline: September to March 1. Payment: $per prose in journal. This cool quarterly is all about jumpstarting that pesky writer’s block.

Each issue contains short fiction stories (300-0words) that each begin with the same pre.

Join the 10organizations and growing that use Submittable to accept and review applications and submissions. No matter what industry you’re in, or what content you aim to collect, Submittable has a solution designed to fit your needs. Our submissions manager will prevent you from submitting a second story until after the first has been responded to by our staff. Any submissions that we receive which exceed these limitations will regretfully be discarded. We are not accepting short story submissions this time around as the winning stories of the Fiction Prize will be published in Issue 15.

However, we ARE accepting flash fiction submissions (7words or less). SUBMIT YOUR WORK We have separate guidelines for our short story contests and regular submissions. Hypertext fiction , interactive fiction , and other stories that explore and exploit the forms available to us.

If you have a work of this type that you think might be a good fit for Strange Horizons, please query us to discuss how to submit it. Things which are fine: Profanity is fine. Use whatever words are appropriate for your story. We receive submissions on a rolling basis and notify on a rolling basis.

Due to the huge volume of submissions received within the last months, our notification times are currently quite extensive ~ often taking several months, especially for short stories. Edify Publications, LLC and Edify Fiction retain First Serial Rights. Our entire library can be found in our Fiction section.

Our CRAFT Fiction categories are open year-round to any emerging or established author. We accept submissions from international writers. Submissions to Issue are currently being accepted from Nov.

Other than that, we will consider publishing fiction books in most genres if they meet the following. This is the best “fair deal” for everyone involved. Watch this space for more info. Thrice Fiction is a constant blending of old and new.

Of the works we publish, are 1 unsolicited. Flash Fiction Magazine is always accepting submissions. Please login using the form on the left.

We invite you to submit your fiction and creative nonfiction to upstreet, an award-winning literary journal based in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts. Every fiction author and poet that appears in this issue will receive an audio clip of their work read by R. Smith along with a PDF and a print copy as a contributor. We do not consider unsolicted poetry submissions at this time. Unlike many magazines, Creative Nonfiction draws heavily from unsolicited submissions. Our editors believe that providing a platform for emerging writers and helping them find readers is an essential role of literary magazines, and it’s been our privilege to work with many fine writers early in their careers.

We use Submittable to manage electronic submissions. Our formatting guidelines are very simple: double-space, use Courier New (preferred) or Times New Roman (okay) size 1 and remove your name and contact info from both the file name and its contents. There’s no such thing as too short — if you can do the job in words, have at it! Short fiction submissions are currently closed.

See our contest openings here. Check out our free newsletter for up-to-date notices of submission openings.

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