Thursday, 10 September 2015

My discharge is yellow and smells

Throughout the menstrual cycle vaginal discharge changes in order to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy an in the event. The symptoms and character of vaginal discharge depend upon the specific condition that is the cause of the discharge. However, there are certain types of discharge that can indicate an infection.

Vaginal discharge is most often a normal and regular occurrence. Abnormal discharge may be yellow or green, chunky in.

It is normal for vaginal discharge to increase in amount and become “stringy” (like egg whites) during the middle of your menstrual cycle when you’re ovulating. It’s normal that young girls experience yellow discharge without itching. If you do, and you have no smell too, its nothing serious.

However, if you have a yellow discharge with itching, it could be due to chlamydia, trichomoniasis, forgotten tampoon, and a severe yeast infection. Discharge Colors and What They Mean. There are a lot of types of vaginal discharge, grouped based on their color and consistency.

It’s hard to isolate the color alone, as one would have to take into account certain factors like a patient’s age, behaviors, menstrual cycle, and other symptoms. You can get vaginal discharge at any age.

The amount of discharge varies. When it can be a sign of an. Too wet underwear and a bit of yellow discharge with a slight smell yellow greeny discharge White liquid discharge that is odorless stains my panties I am always wet and I have yellow discharge, and the smell is strong clearish discharge, dries yellow, smells bread-like, normal? Yellow discharge may or may not indicate an infection. If the discharge is a pale yellow , odorless, and not accompanied by other symptoms, it may not be a cause for concern.

If you see yellow vaginal discharge as you wipe or in your underwear, it is normal to be concerned. Fluid made by glands inside the vagina and cervix carries away dead cells and bacteria. I am free of STDs, got checked for BV and Trich yesterday, apparently am negative for both. Since then, I had been putting toilet paper down in my underwear to track the coloring on my discharge.

It always appeared yellow for almost months now. We’ll just say the smell is bad enough to be more than normal. Pregnancy discharge color should be a milky white color or colorless with no odor.

You may notice that as your pregnancy progresses, the consistency, thickness, and amount of pregnancy discharge varies. You may wonder what it means if your pregnancy discharge color changes. For example, should you be worried if you notice yellow , greenish, pink. Kohlitz on my discharge smells bad : This is likely from an infection.

Bacterial vaginosis can cause one of the worst odors.

The color and thickness of the discharge change with your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you ovulate (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when you breastfee or when you’re sexually excited. Bansal on my discharge smells like urine : You may have an infection in ur urine and or a yeast infection.

Yellow vaginal discharge : Cervicitis Cervicitis is swelling (inflammation) of the end of the uterus (cervix). The following sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be a cause of yellow vaginal discharge and cause of cervicitis – Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes virus (genital herpes), Human papilloma virus (genital warts) and Trichomoniasis. My period is about to start for this month, so i was wearing a small pad just in case. I noticed though that my discharge had changed a little.

If the odor increases right after sex or is accompanied by an increase in discharge , it might be bacterial vaginosis, a. So I went to the walk in clinic today , and they got a swab of my discharge and put it under a microscope , it said I was negative for BV and Trich. My sister said it might be a yest infection. Is there anything to help it stop?

It may turn yellow when it dries on your underwear. It shouldn’t have an odor, be itchy, painful, or be present with any bumps or sores. Certain types of vaginal discharge could mean that you have a vaginal infection.

Sometimes discharge will also be bloody. This is not necessarily any more or less worrying than traditional discharge , but it certainly also needs investigating immediately. Doctors from the Cleveland Clinic say that the common symptoms of BV include gray-colored vaginal discharge that smells fishy.

Although bacterial vaginosis doesn’t cause serious health problems, it’s important to treat BV so that it doesn’t recur. Brownish discharge can be a result of implantation bleeding i. This combination of fluid and bacteria that make up the vaginal discharge that can, at times, emit certain odors. Most of these odors are natural and normal, but there are times when excess odor can signal a problem.

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