Though the red-headed slut does have a very sweet taste, she can be a deceptive shot. The spirits used here are definitely not low-proof, so try to limit yourself to just one or two per night. When I pound red headed sluts in the company of women, not only do they drink them with me, but the red headed slut always guarantees that I get in their pants at the end of the night. It not only gives me a killer buzz, but it gets me pussy each time!
The redheaded slut is a cocktail made of Jägermeister, peach-flavored schnapps, and cranberry juice. A redheaded slut, also known as a ginger bitch, is typically made as either a mixed drink or a shooter. As a mixed drink the ingredients are generally poured over ice in a small cocktail glass, then stirred.
This shot takes its name from the cranberry juice that forms the base for the other ingredients. Red-Headed Slut is cocktail based on Jägermeister, Peach Schnapps and Cranberry Juice. Just pour all ingredients in the shot glass and enjoy. The red headed slut drink is a bright red cocktail drink that gets its color from cranberry juice. This acts as a base for all the other ingredients mixed to make this fairly popular bar choice.
The best recipe for a Redheaded Slut alcoholic mixed drink , containing , Peach schnapps and Cranberry Juice. Includes mixing instructions and ingredients needed for Redheaded Slut. One of my favorite shots at the bars. Add cranberry juice to fill the rest of the shot glass and mix.
So one of the interesting stories of the redheaded slut is that recently, in New Orleans, what they do every year, they have a festival every weekend. And what they do is they put to death a drink. This red - headed slut goes down smooth. A perfect shot for 4th of July parties, serve with Blue Kamikaze shots for a festive party.
All I know is that I have a definite soft spot for red - headed sluts of all varieties. Bartenders serve up red - headed sluts as either a mixed drink or more commonly, a shooter. All you need are three ingredients, all of which are common to a home bartending kit. Born in Key West, although some say it was Los Angeles, she was both great as a shot and on the rocks.
Step Serve in Shot Glass. She had a great run, delighting sorority girls and frat boys on spring break for decades. However, her time has come and the Red - Headed Slut has passed on.
The Drink became very popular at bars among college-aged adults, who were intrigued by the sexual name of the drink. However, it is a fun drink and after two or three of these you will be good to go. Now we have a hot college chick turned feminist named Hannah Carter who wants us to believe that she never heard of a ‘ red headed slut’ drink before recently walking into an Indianapolis Howl At The Moon location and saw a promotion for the drink behind the bar.
Red Headed Slut drink recipe made with Cranberry juice,Peach Schnapps,Jagermeister,. It was originally made popular by college age adults. Alcohol by volume (ABV):. As a shooter, the ingredients are mixed with ice in a cocktail shaker then strained and poured into a shot glass. We present to you the Red headed slut shot.
We also have lots of similar drinks made with the same ingredients. Learn how to bartend from the best bartending school in NYC! Our school teaches bartending classes and offers job training to start your bartender career!
Hi, I enjoy the taste of a certain drink made with Jeiggermeister, cranberry juice and Peach Schnapps. The red snapper shot is one of the best-known drink recipes to feature Crown Royal Canadian Whisky. It should not be confused as the classic gin-based bloody Mary, which goes by the name as well.
No, this popular shooter is sweet and delicious and it can easily become your new favorite party drink. Despite its name, the Red - Headed Slut shot is anything but raunchy. The cranberry juice and peach schnapps add a sweet flavor to mix in well with the Jager.
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